The names of Olympic Champions-80 at Luzhniki stadium
One day, in December 2006, I happened to be near the main stadium in Luzhniki. It was night, I was rushing home, but I first noticed that around the stadium, hang some memorial slabs with the names.
I walked over and saw that the columns are slabs carved with the names of the Olympic Champions of 1980.
Heart skipped a beat, that among all the sports will definitely be water Polo and I see the name of your dad. I started to learn all the names and soon came across a column of names the gold of the national team in water Polo of the USSR. The names of the Olympians were in alphabetical order and my dad – Vladimir Akimov, stood first on the list. I photographed what he saw.
Appearance on this list I was very upset. It was evident that the letters for many years does not follow from the Soviet era. The names of some great Champions was badly damaged and dilapidated.
Came the philosophical ideas and allegories, I remembered the Foreword to the novel of Victor Hugo “Notre Dame Cathedral”, where the author writes about the word “ÁN ÀГKH” (“fate, destiny”), discovered them once carved on the wall of the Cathedral:
It took another 10 years. Started the grandiose reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium. The first thought that occurred to me – will you keep the memory of Olympic Champions 1980. I started looking for information online and saw the redevelopment plan on the website of the government of Moscow.
Now, this wall is not painted over, not scraped, and the inscription disappeared. Because for two hundred years, we do so with wonderful medieval churches. Maimed in all sorts of ways both outside and inside. The priest their repaints, the architect scrapes; then is the people and destroys them completely. People point, write the word on the wall disappeared several centuries ago from among the living, the word, in its turn, disappeared from the walls of the Cathedral, and the Cathedral perhaps soon disappear from the face of the earth. February 1831
Hope inspired line: “walk of Fame will turn into a promenade and exhibition space under the open sky, dedicated to the history and achievements of the sport”.
Really want to wait for this day to see what happens in the end. I hope that the names of the great Soviet national team on water Polo, whose victory modern Russia has so far not been able to repeat, will also be immortalized in the walk of Fame stadium.